Phone Dialer Pro - Help


For common questions see  --->

For applications/samples see --->

* How to use Phone Dialer Pro from the command line?
* Using script
* How can I use multiple calling cards within the same "Location"?
* Importing Address Book from csv file
* Importing Address Book from Excel spreadsheet
* Importing data into selected, single tab
* Using Skype
* How to sort Speed Dials alphabetically?
* How to use the dialing pad to dial on the existing phone call?
* How to transfer a phone call?
* How to check that modem has ability to generate / receive DTMF tones?
* How to get rid of 'Run Busy Detect' startup message?
* How to recover from errors?
* Using the test file to diagnose hardware or software problems
* How to override options?
* Developers corner

* How can I use multiple calling cards within the same "Location"?
Each Speed Dial can be programmed to use a different Calling card available from pull down list in Speed Dial Edit window, however  customizing, changing or adding a new Calling card should be done prior to it inside Dialing Properties window.
Selected Calling card in Speed Dial Edit window has priority over Calling card selected in Dialing Properties but if "None (Direct Call)" is chosen in Speed dial Edit and there is a selected Calling Card in Dialing Properties the latter one takes over. For the dialer not to use the Calling Card at all, both places should have be selected "None (Direct Call)".         back to the top
* How to use Phone Dialer Pro from the command line?
Phone Dialer Pro accepts dialing requests at the command line:
        \application path\phonepro.exe /(123)-555 6789
        \application path\phonepro.exe 123555 6789
the "/" is not necessary and the dialing sequence does not need to follow any specific format.

Depending on usage Windows may require the command to be enclosed in quotation marks:
        "C:\Program Files\Phone Dialer Pro\phonepro.exe" /4162340553

Preceding a phone number with the double characters "XX" will force dialer not to use Dialing Properties (the number will be dialed exactly as entered).
Preceding a phone number with the characters "ZZ##" will force dialer to use specific Calling Card for that number (ignoring selected Calling Card in Dialing Properties), where ## is Calling Card ID number.

For example to dial 1(876) 123-4567 using Calling Card: "US Sprint Direct Dial via 10103331" :
        \application path\phonepro.exe /ZZ09 1(876) 123-4567

It is also possible to invoke a selected Speed Dial from the command line. This feature is very useful for the users wanted to automate dialing process by selecting different Dialing Properties per call (different Calling Cards for example).
To dial a selected Speed Dial from the command line:
the trailing parameter format is:
             /SD+S for Subject (I for Index) mode + Tab number (including leading 0) + Speed Dial button number

example 1:    \application path\phonepro.exe /SDS13657   ---> SpeedDial -> Subject mode:Tab=13, button=657

example 2:    \application path\phonepro.exe /SDI0144   ---> SpeedDial -> Index mode: Tab=01, button=44

Note: there are not spaces allowed in this format.

To fully automate dialing process Phone Dialer Pro has the following available options after making a phone call:
1. automatically dropping phone line (after specified time)
2. close Phone Dialer Pro or
3. stay minimized (on taskbar or Systray) after manually clicking OK button confirming connected call.

Those options are available from the Tools>Options>Dialing tab. 

Commands accepted by Phone Dialer Pro


Task Example Remarks
(555)-2340553 Dial Phone No "....\phonepro.exe" 5552340553
"....\phonepro.exe" /5552340553
"....\phonepro.exe" (555)-2340553
phone number does not need to be formatted:  it will be dialed according to Dialing Properties rules


Ignore Dialing Properties "....\phonepro.exe" XX5552340553
"  ....\phonepro.exe" xx5552340553
"  ....\phonepro.exe" /xx5552340553

ignore Dialing Properties and dial phone number (555)-234 0553 exactly as entered

zz## Select Calling Card "....\phonepro.exe" /ZZ065552340553 select 06-th Calling Card
loc# Select Current Location "....\phonepro.exe" /loc25552340553 select 2nd Location in Dialing Properties
sds##### Select Speed Dial (subject mode) "....\phonepro.exe" /sds13657 select Speed Dial:
Subject mode
Tab=13, Button=657
sdi##### Select Speed Dial (index mode) "....\phonepro.exe" /sdi0144 select Speed Dial:
Index mode
Tab=01, Button=44
loc#sds##### using simultaneously "....\phonepro.exe" loc2sds13657 2nd Current Location 
Speed Dial: subject mode
Tab=13, Button=657
loc#sdi##### using simultaneously "....\phonepro.exe" loc1sdi0144 1st Current Location 
Speed Dial: index mode
Tab=01, Button=44
0-9,#,*,A-D DTMF tones "....\phonepro.exe" /{any digits combination} after phone call connection is made sending additional DTMF tones
flash flash hook "....\phonepro.exe" /flash resetting a phone line
hangup end phone call "....\phonepro.exe" /hangup drop active connection
setup access to options "....\phonepro.exe" /setup opens Options window
default set to default GENERAL options "....\phonepro.exe" /default GENERAL options are set to default values
default_line# set to default selected line options "....\phonepro.exe" /default_line0 Line 0 options are set to default values
min minimize dialer's window "[...]\phonepro.exe" /min dialer will start in minimize mode
ver shows current version "[...]\phonepro.exe" /ver it will display current version and revision
hideall hides all controls "[...]\phonepro.exe" /hideall same action as View>Hide Controls menu
showall restores hidden controls "[...]\phonepro.exe" /showall reverse 'hideall' action
script_<out><in> run script (outgoing or incoming calls) "[...]\phonepro.exe" /script_out
"[...]\phonepro.exe" /script_in
will run outgoing call script
will run incoming call script
script_out  <path to script file> reads and executes script "[...]\phonepro.exe" /script_out c:\script11.txt script file specified on command line will be used
commands which work only when there is a dialer running
WARNING: new, open and import commands will overwrite existing data without prompting
save <file> saves current profile ".\phonepro.exe" /save <name of  file > saves current profile
new creates new profile "....\phonepro.exe" /new creates new profile
(setup options are inherited)
open <file> opens new
".\phonepro.exe" /open <name of  file> opens new profile
import < file > imports csv file into Address Book ".\phonepro.exe" /import <path to csv file >  It automatically creates new profile and imports data from csv file.
(setup options are inherited)

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 * Using script
A script is a plain text file where each line contains an individual command.
To see the list of available commands and a sample script, click on the Help button beside that option.
Script can be invoked by 2 methods:
 - select this option and specify the script file.
 - save Options by clicking on OK button.
 - make outgoing call:
      -when the script begins with dial: command  ---> close dialer and start it from the command prompt
       -in all other cases input the phone number in the field provided above the keypad and click DIAL button.
 When the call changes to 'Connected' state, script execution will begin.
 - start dialer from the command line using one of the following commands:
        <path>phonepro.exe /script     (this will use the script file specified in Options)
       <path>phonepro.exe /script:<full path to the script file>     (this will use the script file specified on this line)
When using scripts it is very important to synchronize timing between commands by using the <wait: # > command.
 <monitor_dtmf: #> or <monitor_dtmf> commands must be always followed by the <wait: #> command. See samples by using Help button beside the 'Use Script' option.
Using Script Simulator:
Click TEST button to start Script Simulator. A new window will pop open showing the real time script execution.
When the script waits for the keypad input, click on the desired key on the PDP keypad.
This is the best way to test your script, fine tune it and make sure that it does what the script was intended to do.
<dial> command starts a simulated action; it will not use the modem and phone line.
Because Script Simulator does not use a modem at all,  it is possible to test scripts even if the modem is not a voice modem or the modem is not able to generate (or receive) DTMF tones.

Ask us, if you need another command or action. 

Script commands accepted by Phone Dialer Pro

alert:<file> this is can be used as a stand alone command or as one of the <action>. 
 It will play the selected file over PC speakers to alert the operator.
answer: # answers incoming call after specified number of rings.
Note: This command is necessary to detect (or send) DTMF tones on incoming call
callerid: <number> go_line:# monitors incoming call and when CallerID matches <number>
script will jump to the specified script line.
Note: it must be the first script line command.
callerid puts incoming call's CallerID on Windows clipboard
delete: script_out
delete the script file
dial:<phone number>
dial: callerid
dial: rx
makes outgoing phone call using specified number
makes outgoing call using the last received call's callerID as a phone number
makes outgoing call using digits received from monitor_dtmf command
disable: script_out
disable scripting option in the current session
(dialer must be restarted to enable scripting option again)
end ends script processing
flash it will perform flashook (off-hook)
go_line:# loop:#
go_line:# loop:# go_line:##
jumps to specified script line
repeated jumping to specified line # times (loop #)
after # times (loop #) jumping to script line #, it will continue script execution from line ##.
hangup disconnect and drop the phone line
     monitor_dtmf:# <action> wait for the specified tone# and perform action.
<action> can be any valid script command except <play:>.
Often, it will be <go_line:#> or <hangup>
This command (or group) must be followed by wait:#  command.
     monitor_busy: go_line:# when busy signal is detected then go_line:# action is performed
This command (or group) must be followed by wait:#  command.
It can be teamed only with monitor_pickup command.
     monitor_pickup: go_line:# when the call pickup is detected then go_line:# action is performed
This command (or group) must be followed by wait:#  command.
It can be teamed only with monitor_busy: command.
     monitor_dtmf:# count_<action> waits for the specified tone#, increments the count and performs action.
Normally, the action should be <go_line:#> and the target script line should be on_count: # <action>
This command (or group) must be followed by wait:#  command.
monitor_dtmf stores received DTMF tones, which can be used to dial out
 using dial:rx command
This command must be followed by a wait:#  command
monitor_multi_dtmf:### wait for the specified series of DTMF tones ###
It can be followed by dial:<number> command.
This command (or group) must be followed by wait:#  command.
on_count: # <action> when the count  reaches the specified number (#) then the <action> will be performed. The count is produced by monitor_dtmf:# count_<action>
pause pausing the script execution until call is over
starts recording voice conversation (Skype call only)
stops recording
run_app: callerid
run_app: <
full path to app>
will start application, which title is the same as incoming Caller ID
will start the specified application
terminate dialer's application  is terminated
wait:# program waits # of secs before executing next command
// command starting with // is ignored (it is useful for making comments or disable script's line)

  Script must end with <end> command. 

Ask us, if you need another command or action. 
                                                                                         back to the top

Script sample 1
(incoming calls)

Note: each command must contain ':' when more information is specified.

script line:

what it will do:

callerid:jacek go_line: 5 when call from jacek go to line 5 (answer: 1)
callerid:5552340553 go_line: 15 when call from 5552340553 go to line 15 (answer: 5)
callerid:phonedialerpro go_line: 28 when call from phonedialerpro go to line 28 (hangup)
endscript script ends with the arrival of any other CallerID
answer: 1 incoming call will be picked up after 1 ring
wait: 1 pause 1 sec
monitor_dtmf dialer will store all keys received in the next 10 seconds
wait: 10 wait for the keys for 10 seconds
hangup phone call will be dropped
wait: 1 pause 1 sec
dialdtmf:rx dialer will use the stored numbers as a ph.number to dial out
wait: 10 pause 10 sec
hangup phone call will be dropped
endscript script ends
answer: 5 incoming call will be picked up after 5 rings
wait:1 pause 1 sec
monitor_dtmf:3 go_line: 22 when '3' is pressed go to line 22
monitor_dtmf:5 go_line: 25 when '5' is pressed go to line 25
wait:7 wait for the key for 7 seconds
hangup phone call will be dropped
endscript script ends
runapp: c:\alert.exe launches c:\alert.exe program
hangup phone call will be dropped
endscript script ends
runapp: c:\monitor.exe launches c:\monitor.exe program
hangup phone call will be dropped
endscript script ends
hangup phone call will be dropped
wait:5 pause 5 secs
dial: 5552340553 dial out
wait:18 pause 18 secs
hangup phone call will be dropped
end script ends

           back to the top

 * Importing Address Book from csv file
Imported entries are inserted into Phone Dialer Pro Index Mode and sorted alphabetically.
NOTE: To import Windows Address Book (WAB): 
- Open WAB and export data to text file (csv file)
- Import that file into Phone Dialer Pro
For csv acceptable formats see this
Importing Address Book will erase all existing programmed Speed Dial buttons. To preserve existing buttons save the current profile, create the new profile and then import Address Book into it.
  * Importing Address Book from Excel spreadsheet
Imported entries are inserted into Phone Dialer Pro Index Mode and sorted alphabetically.
NOTE: Excel spreadsheet must be opened during this operation.
Importing Address Book will erase all existing programmed Speed Dial buttons. To preserve existing buttons save the current profile, create the new profile and then import Address Book into it.
   * Importing data into selected, single tab
Data can be imported in any tab of your choice in Index Mode or Subject mode and it will be sorted alphabetically and added to existing entries.
Note: No existing Speed Dials will be erased.
   * Using Skype
To make a phone call using Skype services:
 - choose Skype as the selected line in Tools>Options>Hardware tab  > that constitutes a permanent setting.
 - press 'S' button line (just above dialer's keypad) > that constitutes a temporary setting.
 - use any Speed Dial button belonging to custom tab titled 'Skype'
 For the description of the error messages click Skype Error Messages

 * How to sort Speed Dials alphabetically?
To be able to sort Speed Dials alphabetically the Dialer should have at least one Sub-Title button, always the first speed dial button on any page, which has had an asterisk (*) typed in as the first character - with or without any other name or instead of a name.
Note: Sorting happens between one asterisk button and the next, If you prefer to have any first page (either in alphabetical or Subject Heading modes) unsorted to display speed dial buttons you do not wish to be sorted and to remain at the start of that page as you entered them by choice, do not place an asterisk in the first speed button of that page.
Upon clicking on the Asterisk button the dialer should ask for permission to sort all the underlying Speed Dials. Underlying means all buttons belonging to that subtitle. If there is only one Sub-Title Button all the Speed Dials buttons under that single Tab will be put in alphabetical order (starting from button #2 to the last button #996).
If you have marked another Sub-Title - under the next Subject Heading tab for example, then only those Speed Dials belonging to that Sub-Title and Heading will be sorted. Thus, between the speed dial button you have clicked to trigger the sort and the next valid Asterisk button.
A Sub-Title can only be the first Speed Dial button on any page which will not be used to dial but to trigger sorting of your Speed Dials within a Tab/Heading.
Again, to create a Sub-Title simply place an asterisk (*) in front of the first Speed Dial button's title, in the same way you would enter a name. Clicking on the Sub-Title button will reveal a new window asking for confirmation to sort, see the picture below:

Figure 4.

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  * How to use the dialing pad to dial on the existing phone call?
 User can send additional digits using the dialing pad when:
1. modem supports sending DTMF tones
2. Phone call was made in 'Voice' mode (Tools>Options>Voice tab).
This can be useful in situations when the user does not want to send additional digits together with the phone number.
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  * How to transfer a phone call?
In Tools > Options > Dialing tab, the option: "Enable Call Transfer" must be selected.
When that option is selected, the PDP second phone book (II) becomes Call Transfer Phone Book.
To transfer the call PDP has to make an outgoing call or receive an incoming call. When the oval Progress Call Window displays that call, clicking on the Speed Dial button in the Call Transfer Phone Book should transfer the call.
Note: That option may not be supported by some hardware (modems) or by the phone co. 
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 * How to recover from errors?
Resetting PDP options to default values may help.

 To do that start PDP with "default" as a trailing parameter:
   [...] \phonepro.exe /default            
back to the top

* How to check that modem has ability to send / receive DTMF tones?
  Most of the voice modems have that functionality.
If you want to make sure that your modem is capable of sending and receiving DTMF tones:
Use the test file and
and send TapiLog.txt log file to author.
Using this dialer make a phone call to the voice mail (for example your bank) and using dialer's dialpad try to navigate the voice mail.
If you can, your modem is capable.           
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  * Using the test file to diagnose hardware or software problems
1. Click  here to download the test file (430 kB)
 2. Run it and use it the same way you were using the original file, until the problem (error) appears.
 3. Close program.
 4. Find Tapi.txt log file in the same folder the test file was run from.
 5. Send that file to
     Please make sure to add comments saying what you are doing externally and where you think the problem is.
 When the error is a 'run-time' type error it causes the premature program termination and TapiLog.txt log file will not be generated.
In that case run the test file with /tapilog suffix (<path><phonepro_test.exe /tapilog) and the second diagnostic window will open. Just save it's content and send it to author.
          back to the top

* How to get rid of 'Run Busy Detect' startup message?
 A properly detected busy signal is very important for the determination of the Connected phone line state.
It is recommended to use the Detect Busy utility. See it in the Tools>Options>Hardware tab.
If for some reason your device cannot detect busy (for example, your phone company may provide voice mail instead of a busy signal), there are 3 other methods you can use:
Disconnect phone line from your modem and c
lick on Start button beside this option. Enter any number when asked.
Click OK and wait until no dialtone detection will end.  Real time call progress is displayed in small box beside the Start button.
Make a phone call and measure the time it takes to the first audible ring. Manually insert that number into the Busy Detect option in the Tools>Options>Hardware tab and click OK to save the options. The value should be between 8-13 seconds for most modems.
 Find the phonepro.ini file located in:
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Phone Dialer Pro\phonepro.ini
Windows Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Phone Dialer Pro\phonepro.ini
Open it in a word editor (Notepad, MsWord) and do the following:
 - find Busy Detect=0 and change it to Busy Detect=1
 - find Busy Delay Timer and change it to Busy Delay Timer=13

The busy detect value is stored into phonepro.ini on dialer's termination.                                 
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* How to override options?
 Find the phonepro.ini file located in:
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Phone Dialer Pro\phonepro.ini
Windows Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Phone Dialer Pro\phonepro.ini

 Open it in a word editor (Notepad, MsWord) and edit the entries you are interested in.

To set all options to default values run application with /default suffix:  <path>phonepro.exe /default
back to the top

* Developers corner
 Dialer can be controlled by using the following 3 methods:
   * from the command line prompt:  see How to use Phone Dialer Pro from the command line?
   * Simple VB code sample how to invoke dialer and make a phone call.
   * Windows text messaging by using SendMessage() API
       For the list of available commands see: http://www.phonedialerpro.com/faq_pdp.htm#command_line
       When using SendMessage() API:

   LRESULT SendMessage(      
    HWND hWnd,
    UINT Msg,
    WPARAM wParam,
    LPARAM lParam

          retrieve and use the value stored in Windows registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Jacek Kozlowski\Excel Dialer Pro\hkey
          use WM_COPYDATA
           structure containing information to be send
           .lpData   should contain command
           .dwData = 1 use only with commands: "", "min" and "setup"
           .dwData = 2 use only with "script...." command
           .dwData = 3 use with all other commands                                            back to the top


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Last revised: April 25, 2015