Frequently Asked Questions - General


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* What do I need to use the program?
* I downloaded it, but I’m not sure how to get it to dial.
* Installing software on Windows Server 2003/2008
* Why program needs to be re-installed after each computer restart?
* I have "Wrong Version Of Run-Time DLL" error. What should I do?
* How to check what is the dialer version No and revision No?
* What is setup.log file and where to find it
* What is a Voice Modem?
* Half-duplex versus full-duplex modems
* What is a TAPI-compliant modem?
* How to check if your system has a modem WAVE driver installed?
* My modem supports VOICE but I can't find the "Wave Device"("Audio Device") installed
* How to update the modem driver?
* How to reinstall the modem driver?
* Does my modem support Caller ID?
* What is Call Display PLUS service?
* How to set dialer to include area code when dialing local number?
* How to set dialer to dial or not to dial "1" for numbers from the specified area codes?
* Why dialer does not dial the local area code?
* How to call a local number without charging it to the calling card?
* What are these special dialing options: "$", "@", "W" ?
* How to connect automatically to voice mail ?
* How to increase the default time delay for "," ?
* Dialing phone numbers over 79 digits long
* Simple VB script sample how to access dialer using Assisted Telephony.
* Simple VB code sample how to invoke dialer and make a phone call.
* How to set dialer as the default dialer in Windows and accept dialing requests from other applications? 
* Modem does not recognize busy signal
* No Dialtone
* How to synchronize displaying "Connected" message with the real time dialing progress?
* How to prevent phone dialer from being loaded on Windows startup?
* How to make dialer automatically hang up a line after connecting a call?
* How do I configure the software to dial the same number at the same time every day?
* Monitoring/Answering incoming call and/or remotely executing a specified program
* How to dial phone numbers selected in any document or browser page?
* SysTray icon indications
* Acceptable csv file formats (comma separated value)
* Why some options revert to their original values?
* I can't seem to get this software to work!  It looks as if it's dialing out but nothing happens
* Speakerphone: how to use it and troubleshoot
* Switching off dialing tones (when using as a speakerphone in hard mode)
* Laptop modems
* Voice modems recommendation
* How to check that modem has ability to generate / receive DTMF tones?
* How to dial out when being on Asterisk PBX server
* Using the test file to diagnose hardware or software problems
* Installing external (USB) modem
* Using Dialogic boards
* Options: storing, editing and default settings
* Voice over Internet (VoIP) dialer
* Using Skype line
* Skype error messages
* Developers corner
* Error messages

 * What do I need to use the program?
  Having Windows is the major requirement.
  Depending on the selected options you may need to have one or more of the following:
      - PC modem or PC voice modem
      - Skype program
      - VoIP service
      - telephony board (Dialogic, CallUrl etc.)
      - TAPI driver for Asterisk PBX server => read this:
How to dial out when being on Asterisk PBX server

 * I downloaded it, but I am not sure how to get it to dial
  If you want to use your existing phone system in most situations you will need a PC modem and connect your phone line to it.
If it is a company phone line and it is a digital line, in addition you will need to use the digital to analog phone line converter.
When using magic jack, just connect it directly to PC modem (just treat your magic jack as the regular phone line outlet).

* Installing software on Windows Server 2003/2008
  Windows Server treats this software as an untrusted application, shuts it down and creates Dr.Watson report.
To avoid that problem user has to set the option to allow DEP to execute the application.
This option is presented automatically after rebooting the system.

 * Why program needs to be re-installed after each restart of Windows?
  Some antivirus/antispam software deletes couple of dll files required by the software to operate normally.
Those files are: msgphd.dll and msgpd.dll located in \System32 Windows folder.
You need to instruct the antivirus/antispam software to not delete those files.
The antivirus/antispam software known to do that are:
 - SuperAntiSpyware

Trend Micro Client/Server Security Agent is known to interfere during program's installation. resulting in the failed installation.

* I  have "Wrong Version Of Run-Time DLL" error. What should I do?
 This error indicates, that you have the old, incompatible version of  msvbvm50.dll file in your computer.
You can download the corrected version from here: msvbvm50.zip
After unzipping it copy this file into Windows\System32 folder or Windows\System if you have Windows 98.
More info on that error can be found here.

* What is the setup.log file and where to find it
 Setup.log file is created during the installation process and contains some setup information.
It is located in the same folder, the program was installed.
For example: c:\Program Files\<name of the program>\setup.log

* How to prevent dialer from being loaded on Windows startup?
 In the Tools>Options>General tab click on General Preferences and uncheck the box: "Load Phone Dialer Pro at Windows startup".
User has to be the administrator to change this option.

* How to call a local number without charging it to the calling card?
 In the Tools>Option>Dialing tab click on  >Additional Dialing Properties< button and check the box: "Disallow use of Calling Card for local calls", as shown in the picture below:                                                                                     back to the top

* Modem does not recognize busy signal.
 Some modems, specially older hardware models may not recognize busy signal when being used in voice mode.
If you hear busy signal but your modem does not recognize it, in such situation uncheck the 'Voice' option in Options>Voice tab.
Also, please read next below.

* How to synchronize displaying "Connected" message with the real time dialing progress?
A properly detected busy signal is very important for the determination of the Connected phone line state.
It is recommended to use the Detect Busy utility. See it in the Tools>Options>Hardware tab.
If for some reason your device cannot detect busy (for example, your phone company may provide voice mail instead of a busy signal), there are 2 methods you can use:
Make a phone call and measure the time it takes to the first audible ring. Manually insert that number into the Busy Detect option in the Tools>Options>Hardware tab and click OK to save the options. The value should be between 8-13 seconds for most modems.
 Find the .ini file located in:
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\application name folder>\<application name><executable file name>.ini
Windows Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\application name folder>\<application name><executable file name>.ini
 Open it in a word editor (Notepad, MsWord) and do the following:
 - find Busy Detect=0 and change it to Busy Detect=1
 - find Busy Delay Timer and change it to Busy Delay Timer=13                                                                 
 back to the top

* Options: storing, editing and default settings
Options are stored in:
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\application name folder>\<application name><executable file name>.ini
Windows Vista and Windows 7:
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\application name folder>\<application name><executable file name>.ini

\Application Data folder is a hidden folder. Use Windows Explorer>Tools>Folder Options to unhide it.
Open ini file using a word editor (Notepad, MsWord) and edit the entries you are interested in.
Do not introduce any additional characters: just replace existing digit with the new one.
When editing a text make sure the spelling (path) is correct.
Default settings:
To set all options to default values use one of these methods:
   * run application with /default suffix:  <path><executable name> /default
   * use Set Defaults button in Options window.
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* How to set dialer as the default  dialer in Windows and accept dialing requests from other applications?
 Dialer can make calls on behalf of  other applications. It will accept dialing requests from those applications, which use Microsoft's Tapi Assisted Telephony standard for Windows such as personal managers (PIM's), address books, databases, spreadsheets and word processors (some macro and scripting may be required).
To enable, check "Accept dialing numbers from other applications" from Options>Dialing tab.
Dialer does not need to be open (active)  when being accessed by another application.
All dialing requests are queued and executed sequentially after each completed call.         
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* How to set dialer to dial or not to dial "1" for numbers from the specified area codes? see Figure 6
 In the >Tools > Dialing Properties select Area Code Rules and fill the appropriate boxes, as shown below:

Figure 6. Dialing Properties

If you do not have any entry to edit, you need to click on New, create the new entry and then click on Edit

Users may encounter a problem when the same area code is used with a local call or a long distance call. For instance: the local area number is "905" but to dial outside the local zone the area number must be prefixed with "1", so the dial number will start with "1 905".
In such case user should set in Dialing Properties: "Not to dial '1' for selected area codes" and insert those area codes in the appropriate field.
Next, when programming the Speed Dial button for the outside area call (phone number should begin with "1") user should place the check mark in "Ignore Dialing Properties" box, which will make PDP to dial a "1" for that particular Speed Dial button.
                                                                                                                                                                back to the top
* W
hy dialer does not dial the local area code? see Figure 6 above
 Phone dialer is smart enough to recognize whether the dialed number is a local one or not. If it  a local call and the number includes the area code but the checkbox in Dialing Properties>Area Code Rules: "Always dial the area code" (Win98) or "Include the area code" (Win2000/XP/Vista) is not checked, dialer will remove that area code digits from the calling number. On the other hand, when the dialing number does not include local area code but that option is checked, dialer will automatically insert local area code number. see Figure 6 above.
Users with Windows 98 and higher should have that option selected. Windows 95 users do not have that option available and to avoid that problem should select: "Ignore Dialing Properties" inside Speed Dial Edit window and manually include area code number.         
                                                                                                                                            back to the top

* How to set phone dialer to include area code when dialing local number?  see Figure 6 above
Windows Vista/XP/ 2000 users should checkbox: "Include the area code" in Dialing Properties>selected Location>Edit>Area Code Rules  
Windows 98/98SE/ME users should checkbox: "Always dial area code" in Dialing Properties>Area Code Rules;
Windows 95 users are out of luck and should select "Ignore Dialing Properties" and manually add area code.      
back to the top

* Simple VB script sample how to access PDP using Tapi Assisted Telephony.
 In visual basic declare:
Declare Function tapiRequestMakeCall Lib "TAPI32.DLL" (ByVal lpszDestAddress As String, ByVal lpszAppName as String, ByVal lpszCalledParty as String, ByVal lpszComment as String) As Long
    Then in your code when it is ready to dial insert:
        Dim PhoneNumber as String
        Dim rtn as Long
    rtn = tapiRequestMakeCall(PhoneNumber,"","","")

if rtn <> 0 then there is an error and you may to provide some error handling.
PhoneNumber is of course the dialing string and must be enclosed in "" :   PhoneNumber = "555 234 9876"
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* Simple VB code how to invoke dialer and make a phone call.
 In visual basic declare:
Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
    Then in your code when it is ready to dial insert:
        Dim lpString as String
        Dim rtn as Long
                                   lpString = "C:\Program Files\Phone Dialer Pro\phonepro.exe"
                                   rtn = ShellExecute(0&, "Open", lpString, "4162340553", "c:\", 7&)
                                                                                                                                           back to the top

* How to check what is the dialer version No and revision No?
 The easiest way:
On dialer's interface click on Help menu and select 'Ask question'.
That will open the new email message with the program's version & revision number inserted into subject line.
Other methods:
In the application installation folder locate the file register.txt or click on Register menu and check the document's header.
Register (or registration form) menu is available from the dialer's Help pull-down menus
or from computer's Start>Programs><dialer name> displayed options.                                  
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* What is a Voice Modem?
 Most modems can be classified with these characteristics:

  • Data

  • Data/fax

  • Data/fax/voice

  • Data/fax/voice/speakerphone

A voice modem is a modem that is capable of playing and recording audio over a telephone line.  While almost all modems are data and fax capable, more and more also have voice capabilities.
Most of
 the PC systems (and laptops) sold by Dell, Hewlett Packard, Compaq come with data or data/fax modems,  NOT voice modems.
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* Half-duplex versus full-duplex modems
 Most of the voice modems available on the market are half duplex modems only.
 It means that you cannot speak and listen simultaneously.
 There are 2 kinds of full duplex modems:

  • Speakerphone modems, which come with the outlets for the mic and speakers.
    Usually, these are internal, PCI voice modems. These modems are good for use as a speakerphone but for the playback or recording purposes these modems can be used only as a half-duplex modems: it is possible to do playback or voice recording, but not both operations simultaneously.

  • Truly full duplex TAPI devices:
    - Way2Call  ---> single line and multiline devices internal (PCI) and external (USB)
    - CallUrl  ---> multiline devices  internal (PCI)
    - Brooktrout  ---> multiline devices  internal (PCI)
    - Eicon analog  ---> multiline devices  internal (PCI)
    - NMS Communication  ---> multiline devices  internal (PCI)

    There is only one full duplex single line device:: Way2call Hi-Phone Desktop.
    See: modem recommendations.

Full duplex modem is not necessary when you want to play a message or record
a phone conversation, however you need it when you want to use headphones instead of a phone's handset. Please read this: speakerphone
For budget conscious individuals wanted to use headphones there is a way around.  Instead of full duplex modem, use the telephone, which comes with the jacks for microphone and speakers (headphones). It is possible to find such telephone for $30 or less.


* What is a TAPI compliant modem?
 TAPI stands for Telephony Application Programming Interface and is a programming standard provided by Microsoft within  their Windows operating system.  It allows software developers to produce telephony software that will work with any modem, as long as that modem is TAPI-compliant.
For a modem to work with Windows TAPI, the modem must have voice drivers and sound devices.  The voice drivers are interfaced with Win 9x/Me through Unimodem/V(and Win 2000/XP/Vista through Unimodem 5), Windows' universal modem voice drivers. Audio devices (or Wave Devices) for the voice modem are usually provided by the modem manufacturer.                                                                                                                     back to the top

* How to check if the system has a modem WAVE driver installed?
 If your modem supports VOICE, then a modem wave driver must be listed in the Windows Device Driver Manager. 

Windows 2000/XP/Vista
  1. Right click on My Computer desktop icon
  2. Select Properties
  3. Click the Hardware tab>Device Manager button
Windows 7
  1. Click on Start>Control Panel>System
  2. On the left click on Hardware Manager
  • Click the + next to Sound, video and game controllers.          
  • Check for the entry: "Unimodem Half-Duplex Audio Device"
     or "Unimodem Full-Duplex Audio Device"
    as shown on the picture below.

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* My modem supports VOICE but I can't find the "Wave Device"("Audio Device") installed
 Windows 2000/XP/Vista comes with a variety of "generic" modem drivers - including modems based upon all the popular chipsets. In many cases, adding, changing, or removing a modem is simple: plug and play. But, it doesn't always work that way.
In most cases, Windows 2000/XP/Vista recognizes your Data/Voice/Fax modem as Data modem only and install the "generic" modem driver which shipped with Windows itself.  So you may not see the "Wave Device"("Audio Device") driver for modem listed in the Device Manager. After that you can only dial up to the internet but can not record your phone calls with your Modem at all.
If you are sure your modem supports VOICE, please Update or Reinstall  the correct modem driver.    back to the top

* How to update the modem driver?
 1. Find the correct modem driver: CD-Rom ships with your modem or find a XP or Win2k-compatible driver from your modem vendor (or internet download sites).
    2. Open the "Device Manager" as showed below.
    3. Expand the Modems tab by clicking on the +, and your modem should be listed. Right click the modem name and a menu pops up.
    4. Choose the Update Driver... (Win 9x) or Properties>Driver>Update Driver (Windows 2000/XP/Vista) and use the 'Have Disk' option to point Windows to a compatible driver you've downloaded (or in the cdrom)          back to the top

* How to reinstall the modem driver?
 1. Find the correct modem driver: CD-Rom ships with your modem or find a XP or Win2k-compatible driver from your modem vendor(or internet download sites)
     2. Open the "Device Manager" as showed above
     3. Expand the Modems tab by clicking on the +, and your modem should be listed. Right click the modem name and a menu pops up
     4. You can try Uninstall and then try the Add Hardware wizard (Scan for hardware changes) - use the ' Have Disk' option to point to a compatible driver        back to the top

* Does my modem support Caller ID?
 Generally we use HyperTerminal to test our modem if it supports Caller ID.
First make sure you can see the Caller ID information from a normal telephone LED displayer.
Then do the following:

  • Select "HyperTerminal" by navigating through the Start button to "Programs," then "Accessories," then "HyperTerminal"

  • Double click on "hyperterm" or "hyperterm.exe"

  • Name the new connection "test," and select OK

  • Change the "Connect using" to Direct to COM X, where X is the COM port used by the modem

  • Click on OK on the screen for "Port Settings", the click OK

  • Type the string ATZ to initalize the modem (OK should appear on the screen)

  • Enter the Caller ID setup string to be tested: AT+VCID=1 for most modems (see notes below)

  • If OK results, continue; If ERROR results the modem may not support Caller ID; try a different setup string

  • Have someone call you and watch the terminal screen

  • If Caller ID is working, you will see the word RING, followed by one or more additional data lines. The word RING will then continue to appear for each incoming ring.

  • If Caller ID is not working, you will only see the word RING for each incoming ring. If this is the case try another Caller ID setup string and go back to step 2.

    For most modems, the string AT+VCID=1 will enable Caller ID. On some voice based modems the string is AT#CLS=8#CID=1. Look in the user’s manual for your modem to see if any setup string is referenced or mentioned. Other common setup strings are:

    • AT#CID=1

    • AT%CCID=1

    • AT%CCID=2

    • AT#CID=2

    • AT#CC1

    • AT*ID1

* What is Call Display PLUS service?
 If you subscribe to Call Display PLUS, you have the option of blocking anonymous calls. Just dial *77 and your telephone will not ring for anonymous calls. You can de-activate this service at any time by pressing *87.                    back to the top

* W
hat are these special dialing options: "$", "@", "W" ?
 These are modem's special dialing options:
    -wait-for-billing-tone ($)
    -wait-for-quiet (@)
    -wait-for-dial tone (W)
Wait-for-billing-tone can be used when dialing with a Calling Card. Suppose a person with a calling card wants to make a long distance call. The normal process is to dial a prefix code, followed by the area code and a phone number. The caller then waits to hear a "bong" on the line (the billing tone). After hearing the bong, the caller enters the calling card number.
The following example shows how to automate such dialing sequence:
1 905 777 4321 $ 1234567890987654321

Wait-for-quiet tells the modem to detect "quiet" on the line, which usually means no tones (such as ringing or busy tones and no other sounds (such as human voices). A modem that supports wait-for-quiet is useful for making calls to automated phone systems, such as voicemail systems or automated banking systems.
The following example shows how to use wait-for-quiet:
777 4321 @ 1,,1,,3,,2,6578768934210564,0500,72779673#

Another dial option is wait-for-dialtone. If a modem supports this option, it pauses after a W character in the dial string until it detects a dial tone. Once it detects a dial tone, it dials any remaining digits after the W character. This option is especially useful in hotels or large companies, where it is usually necessary to dial a special prefix digit, such as an 8 or 9, to reach an outside line.
The following example uses wait-for-dialtone:
9 W (905) 777 4321

In the wait-for-quiet example, both the @ and the comma are used for pauses. Typically, user should use the @ when unsure of the length of the pause or when the length of the pause can change and use commas when the length of the pause is consistent and rarely changes.          back to the top

* How to connect automatically to voice mail ?
 Use ',' (comma) as the separator between groups of digits.
1 comma is about equal to 2 seconds pause.
template:    <phone number>,,,<account number>,,<password>
real:            5552340553,,,6789,,83960
Of course you need to adjust numbers of commas to suit your situation.

* How to increase the default time delay for "," ?
 The modem's default time delay for "," is approx. 2 seconds depending on modem's model.
How to change this value user should consult  the modem's manual, however in most of the cases the following init string should work:
ATS8= #      where # is the number of seconds required
This string should be entered in the Modem's >Properties >extra initialization command field  accessible from Tools>Options>Hardware menu.          back to the top

* No Dialtone
 There can be several causes for the modem not detecting a dialtone.
When in office environment the most likely cause is plugging a digital phone line into computer's analog modem.
solution:  commercial digital to analog phone line converters.
Other causes:
- plugging phone line into modem's Phone jack instead of Line jack
- bad phone cable
- bad modem
         back to the top

* Dialing phone numbers over 79 digits long
 The modem can dial phone numbers up to 79 digits long.
This software allows to extend twice that limit to 158 characters for all of the modems.
Some modems like for example Creative Labs Modem Blaster can be used to extend that limit even further. I was able to dial over 1000 characters when using Modem Blaster.
 Dialing will be done in data mode. It means, that if the used modem has a speakerphone capability, that function will be disabled.
 There may be a noticeable pause after the first 79 digits are processed by the modem. This is due to TAPI limitation, which does not  'notice' when modem finishes processing the numbers. Dialer tries to 'guess' that moment, but depending on modem that pause can be quite significant.
If you want to fine tune dialing, please send Tapilog.txt log file and the modem's log
to                                                                                                                                   back to the top

* How to make dialer automatically hang up a line after connecting a call?
 Select the options:  "Accept dialing numbers from other applications" and "Drop line when the call connected" from Options>Dialing tab, as shown on Figure 3. When done, you may exit dialer or keep it active. The next step is to use another application to send dialing request. That can be your own code, see FAQ #8 or another Assisted Telephony application as for example WAB (Windows Address Book).                                                                    back to the top

* How do I configure the software to dial the same number at the same time everyday?
 Use the Windows Scheduler to do that task.
 Start>Control Panel>Scheduled Tasks and click on Add Scheduled Task.

  • Select dialer from the list.

  • Select your times.

  • Before finishing, select the "Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish" option.

  • In the Run field, append a space and the phone number you want to dial.
    For example: C:\PROGRA~1\PHONED~1\phonepro.exe 4162340553

  • Click OK

It is advisable to check if the dialer's task is set properly.
To check it:
 - copy the whole line from Run field
 - click on Windows>Start>Run
 - paste the line in the Open field
 - click OK
If everything is fine, the dialer should start dialing.                                                      
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* M
onitoring/Answering the incoming call and/or executing a specified program.
 Not every modem supports answering incoming phone call when it is used in the Voice mode. If your purpose is to remotely execution of the external program it can be still done with the Voice mode disabled and Monitor Lines enabled option.
Executing external program does not terminate the existing call. In General tab you need to enable 'Drop line after...' option and specify the duration of the call considering time to execute the program and giving the caller enough time to hang-up the call. In the case when the caller does not hang-up before the 'Drop line' option is invoked the multiple instances of the external program will be launched.             
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* How to dial phone numbers selected in any document or browser page?
 In Options > Dialing tab, the option: "Enable 'Copy' as a Dial command" must be checked.
Dialer must be active (it's icon visible in Systray).
Right click on the selected (highlighted) phone number in any document, browser page or another window and from the pop-up menu click on "Copy". Dialing will start immediately.
To dial from the Internet Explorer web page, there is another option available:
Add DIAL command to IE context menu
This option will create a >>> DIAL <<< command in the Internet Explorer context menu (right-click).
Mouse right-click on a phone number in a webpage and select DIAL from the menu to initiate dialing that number.


· >>>DIAL<<< menu will be added to the newly opened IE web pages AFTER this option has been saved.
Closing the dialer will remove this additional menu from IE browser.

* SysTray icon indicators:
Both dialers can operate in 3 modes: Regular, Monitoring and Answering.
Dialer's SysTray icon indicates what mode dialer is in:





 outgoing calls only

 dialer can "hear" incoming call ringing and can start the external application if required

dialer picks up incoming call

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* Acceptable csv file formats:


Each record contains a name and a phone number enclosed in quotation mark (") and separated by the comma (,)

"Ellen Eliot","(800) 328-8171 x 299"
"Lee Dommars","(858) 535-1900"
"Wayne Boland","(800) 492-4229"
"Laura Bernard","(847) 537-2641"
"Robert H Moran","(916) 441-6409"
"Mary Adams","(949) 349-1201"
"Sharle L., Camp","(732) 469-7725"
"Allan Crommett","(949) 888-3327"
"Wendy Gainey","(678) 560-2661"
"Joseph Goldstein","(818) 243-6451 x 1"

When alpha sorting, Mr. or Ms prefix will be ignored

"Mr. Larry O’Shinsky ","805-636-8174"
"Mr. Eli Quinones ","213-251-4218"
"Ms. Shirley Schouleman ","636-474-2635"
"Ms. Patricia Darfitt ","416-389-5267"
"Ms. Violette Alahaidoyan ","323-257-8015"
"Mr. John Vasinda ","661-385-5900"


Each record contains a name and phone number separated by the comma (,)

Hurley Scott,805-466-0289
Dahl Brenden,818-343-0708
Ferrell Georgia,310-453-8817
Galper Steve,310-829-4566
Anderson Judy,310-453-8815


Each record contains more then 2 fields:
csv file should include the header indicating the position of Name and ph.number as shown below  (no quotation marks)
Barbara, HOME,5552340553,NC
David, Work,5552340553,Texas
Langford, Home,5552340553,California
Eva Sue, Cell,5552340553,New York
Jim, Cell,5552340553,Utah
Amy, Cell,5552340553,Florida
Frank, Home,5552340553,Florida
Jim, Home,5552340553,Georgia


Each record contains more then 2 fields:
csv file should include the header indicating the position of Name and ph.number as shown below  (quotation marks)
"Eva Sue","Cell","555,2340553"

When the phone numbers to be imported contain commas (comma inside phone number indicates 2 seconds pause) then the recommended csv format should have all fields enclosed in quotation marks, separated by the comma as shown above in example 1 or example 4.                                                                                           
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* Why some options revert to their original values?
The options:
 '-DIAL- as mouse right click pop-up menu for Internet Explorer'
'Load .... at Windows startup'
 use Windows registry to store their value.
To set/change their values the user's administrative privileges are required.
Additionally, when using Windows Vista the User Account Control (UAC) must be turned OFF (Start>Control Panel>User Accounts).                                                                                                               back to the top

* I can't seem to get this software to work!  It looks as if it's dialing out but nothing happens.
 One of the most often causes is the wrong or duplicate modem's driver installed.
     First check should be done by selecting the proper modem's driver in Tools>Options>Hardware tab.
     Pay attention to the same device having #2, #3 in it's title.
     If there is such one or more devices it means you have the multiple instances of the same modem installed, and that is confusing Windows.
The proper procedure will be to click on 'System Modems' in Tools>Options>Hardware tab and removing all not necessary or obsolete drivers. If you are not sure which driver to remove, click on Properties>Diagnostics>Query Modem and run the test on each modem. The modem's driver for which test is negative, can be safely removed from Windows.
If you have the original installation disk for your modem the best way is to remove all listed modems and to install your modem's driver again.                                                        
  back to the top

* S
peakerphone: how to use it and troubleshoot

      Speakerphone in hardware mode:
In Tools > Options > Voice tab, the option: "Voice" must be selected.
Speaker and microphone  must be connected directly to the modem's built-in jacks.
Such configuration will work in full-duplex mode.
To turn off dialing tones see:  s
witching off dialing tones (when using as a speakerphone in hard mode
      Speakerphone in soft mode:
In Tools > Options > Voice tab, the option: "Speakerphone..." must be selected.
Speaker and microphone are connected to the computer's soundcard.
Make a phone call.
When connected, DO NOT pickup phone receiver but use computer's microphone and speakers.
DO NOT click OK button until you finish your call.
Clicking on OK button will disconnect the call or when the telephone's handset is lifted up BEFORE that, the phone call will be transferred from speakerphone mode to the handset.
Also, it is possible to make the line disconnection automatic.
In Tools>Options>Dialing tab select 'Drop connected call after....' and select how many minutes you want to be online.
Most of the modems used in soft mode are half duplex. It means you can use or microphone or speakers but not both simultaneously.
Troubleshooting the speakerphone in soft mode: 
. Make sure that  in Tools > Options > Voice tab the option: "Speakerphone..." is selected.
. Make sure that computer's microphone and speakers are enabled (not muted) by checking the mixer options available by double-clicking on the volume control icon in Systray (bottom, right corner of your screen).  If the volume control is not visible in the SysTray, then go to the Control Panel, click on the Sounds icon, and check the box which says Show Volume Control on the Taskbar.
. Make the following test:
.    In Windows>Control Panel find:
          Windows XP/Vista ---> Sounds, Speech and Audio Devices ---> Sounds and Audio Devices ---> Audio tab
          Windows 2000 ---> Sounds and Multimedia  or
          Windows 98 ---> Multimedia
     and check if you can see your modem's wave driver as one of playback and recording devices.
     Usually the modem's wave driver will look like this: Modem #0 Line Playback
4. When in doubt whether the modem has speakerphone capabilities do the following: 
         ---> click here to download Phone Dialer Pro test file (<500 kB)
         ---> click here to download Auto Dialer Pro test file (<500 kB)
         ---> click here to download Excel Dialer Pro test file (<500 kB)
         ---> click here to download Dial Engine Pro test file (<500 kB)
     (2). Using test file make a phone call and upon connection try to use computer's microphone and speakers.
     (3). Disconnect line by clicking the OK button.
     (4). Close dialer.
     (5). After closing dialer there will be a log file: Tapi.txt created in the folder, the test file was run from.
     (6). Send that log file to the
      back to the top

*Switching off dialing tones (when using as a speakerphone in hard mode)
Some modems have very loud dialing tones. It is possible to turn them off by setting the extra initializing string in modem's properties to the value of M0. See the picture below:

  To get to this screen click on Options>Hardware tab, then click on 'Modems, Add, Remove...' button.

In Phone and Modems Options window select your modem, click on Properties and then Advanced tab.

      back to the top

*Laptop modems
Most laptop modems are not the voice modems, and even when few of them are they are half-duplex only.
It means you can use or microphone or speakers but not both simultaneously.
To play (or record) wave file the best (and the cheapest) solution is to use an external USB voice modem.
 back to the top

* Voice_modems recommendation:

If you are not sure which modem is good for your application please ask me.
Personally I am using
Way2call Hi-Phone Desktop and I am very satisfied with its performance.
I have also tried AOpen FM56-P (H) Speakerphone PCI and I recommend it for budget conscious users.

Modem's model

Users Remarks Author   recommendations    
Way2call Hi-Phone Desktop very good full duplex device
good voice quality
 all modems listed below are half-duplex only:
you can use mic or speakers but not both simultaneously
Creative Labs Modem Blaster V.92 PCI  ??? half duplex
Creative Labs Modem Blaster V.92 Serial External  ??? half duplex
Creative Labs Modem Blaster V.92 USB External  ??? half duplex
Creative Labs Modem Blaster V.92
PCMCIA Notebook
??? half duplex
Intel(R) 537EP V9x DF PCI
(included in some Dell computers)
it does not recognize busy signal (TAPI) not a voice modem
AOpen FM56-P (H) Speakerphone PCI working good half duplex
internal modem
? half duplex
external modem
? half duplex
external modem
? half duplex
CNET Singlepoint 
56KV90 PCMIA, Full Duplex
? half duplex
Conexent HSF V92 56K
 RTAD Speakerphone PCI Modem
working good half duplex
56K PCI Voice Modem 
SF-1156IV+ R
? half duplex
Sevel SoftK56 Data,Fax,Voice,Speakerphone line not released after answering call half duplex

         back to the top

* How to check that modem has ability to send / receive DTMF tones?
  Most of the voice modems have that functionality.
If you want to make sure that your modem is capable of sending and receiving DTMF tones:
Use the test file and and send TapiLog.txt log file to author.
Using this dialer make a phone call to the voice mail (for example your bank) and using dialer's dialpad try to navigate the voice mail.
If you can, your modem is capable.                                                                              
back to the top

* How to dial out when being on Asterisk PBX server

There are drivers available on Internet to allow dialing out when using Asterisk PBX Server, such as:

  • xtelsio TAPI for Asterisk:

     Download xtelsio TAPI for Asterisk:
  • AstTapi
    AstTapi, an open source Asterisk Tapi driver for windows.
    This allows to dial out contacts directly from the application using an Asterisk PBX Server.
    Your Asterisk connected phone will ring, once you answer it  Asterisk will place a call and connect you to the previously dialed number.

     Download AstTapi driver:    Download manual:  

* Using the test file to diagnose hardware or software problems
1.  to download the test file:
     Phone Dialer Pro  click --->  here
     Excel Dialer Pro   click --->  here
     Auto Dialer Pro    click --->  here
     Dial Engine Pro    click --->  here
 2. Run it and use it the same way you were using the original file, until the problem (error) appears.
 3. Close program.
 4. Find TapiLog.txt log file in the same folder the test file was run from.
 5. Send that file to .
     Please make sure to add comments saying what you are doing externally and where you think the problem is.
Note 1:
 When the error is a 'run-time' type error it causes the premature program termination and TapiLog.txt log file will not be generated.
In that case run the test file with /tapilog suffix (<path><filename>_test.exe /tapilog) and the second diagnostic window will open. Just save it's content and send it to .
Note 2:
Very often the problem is not related to the software but to the modem used for dialing. In Windows folder please find the log created by the modem. The file name should look like this: ModemLog_<your modem name>.txt
 for example:   ModemLog_Creative Modem Blaster V.92 USB DE5671-1.txt
and send that log together with TapiLog.txt to .                                           back to the top

* Installing external (USB) modem
  Installing external (USB) modem is very easy and it does not require opening your computer.
If this is the first installation, please skip (1) and (2) below, but if you have already installed it and the modem does not work please follow all these steps:
 (1). Remove previous (unsuccessful) installation.
     (A) Open Control Panel and click on Add/Remove Programs
           Locate the software title, which was installed with the modem and click Change/Remove.
           Follow the screen but do not restart computer yet.
     (B) In Control Panel click on Sounds and Audio Devices>Hardware tab.
           Locate Unimodem Half-Duplex Audio Device. Double click on it and in Driver tab click Uninstall.
           Follow the screen but do not restart computer yet.
     (C) In Control Panel click on Phone and Modem Options>Modems tab. Select your modem and click Remove button.
           Follow the screen but do not restart computer yet.
 (2). Unplug the modem and restart your computer.
 (3). Start you computer. DO NOT plug in your modem yet.
      (A). In Windows, insert installation CD disk. The installation should start automatically.
      (B). Select 'Install software', then select 'Drivers' then click OK.
             You will see "Installation in progress" window for a few minutes.
              Skip (cancel) any other software installation, like for example Net Watch
              Watch video (I have not found a way to skip that)
 (4). Restart computer
 (5). Now, you can plug in your modem at any time you need it.
 (6). To test your modem:
       (A). In Control Panel click on Phone and Modem Options>Modems tab. Select your modem and click Properties.
       (B). Select  Diagnostics tab.
       (C). Click on Query Modem button.

Initially, the modem's wave drivers looks like that: Modem #0 Line Playback and Modem #0 Line Record
Reinstalling a voice modem will cause increase numbering of modem's wave driver: #0 will become #1, #2 and so on.
That does not cause any problems with proper modem's operation.
If you would like to reset that number back to #0 and you know how to edit registry, below is the location of the key holding that number:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Unimodem and the key name is:
NextWaveDriverInstance.                                                                                        back to the top
* U
sing Dialogic boards
To use Dialogic cards with PRO family TAPI drivers and TAPI wave drivers must be installed.

 In Windows Control Panel>Add/Remove Hardware>Add/Troubleshoot a device>Add a new device
select  'No, I want to select the hardware from a list'.
 - select Hardware Type:  Sound, video and game controllers
 - click on 'Have disk'
 - navigate to 'C:\Program Files\Dialogic\Lib'
 - click on 'oemsetup.inf' file and open it
 - you should see listed 'Dialogic Wave Driver 1.x'
 - click 2x Next button and respond 'YES' to the digital signature message
    (if needed point to 'DLGWAVE.DLL'  in the 'C:\Program Files\Dialogic\LIB' directory
 - Number of Channels must be greater than 0.

Dialogic installation guide. ===> Click here
Dialogic System Release 5.1.1 drivers ===> Click here
Dialogic System Release 5.1.1 Service Pack1 ===> Click here
                                                                                                                                       back to the top
*Using Skype line
  To make Skype call or receive one the Skype line must be active > line button "S" must stay in the pressed in state.
  To make a call to another computer it is just enough to use Skype name instead of regular phone number.
  When using regular phone numbers
Pro dialer will automatically format a phone number when 'Use Dialing Properties' option is selected in Options>Dialing tab and Dialing Properties are correctly set: Location, Local Area Code and Local Area Code Rules.
How to set Local Area Code Rules see this:
How to set dialer to dial or not to dial "1" for numbers from the specified area codes?
and this:
Why dialer does not dial the local area code?    

  • Conference call
    To start Skype conference call use prefix confcall: followed by phone numbers (or Skype names) separated by a comma,
    Example: confcall: 5552340553,phonedialerpro,5551234567

  • Video call
    To start Skype video:
    Method 1:
    click on grey camera icon located on Call Progress (oval) window.
    to turn camera off click on green camera icon.
    Note, that camera icon will be accessible only when Skype call is connected.

    camera is turned off

    camera is active

    Method 2:
    use prefix: v_ followed by the phone number.
    Example1: v_phonedialerpro      Example2: v_5552340553

*skype error messages


The recent Skype update removes Skype Extras (Skype4COM.dll).
Read below how to re-install it.

Error messages:

  • "Please install Skype Extras. ERROR: Skype4COM.dll not found!"
    The dialers PRO old versions used Skype Extras to connect to Skype.
    The current updates do that differently.
    Please just update your dialer's software.

  • "Dialer is not attached to Skype.", "Dialer cannot attach to Skype." or "Dialer does not have Skype permission."
    Skype requires user permission for the external program to use Skype.
    To authorize the program:
    "Click on Skype > Tools > Options > Advanced and at the bottom click on 'Manage other programs' access to Skype'"
    and set your permission.

  • "Unrecognized identity" or
    "Invalid phone number" or
    Skype Error 80020009

    - phone number does not conform to Skype format.
    Pro dialer will automatically format a phone number when 'Use Dialing Properties' option is selected in Options>Dialing tab and Dialing Properties are correctly set: Location, Local Area Code and Local Area Code Rules.
    How to set Local Area Code Rules see this:
    How to set dialer to dial or not to dial "1" for numbers from the specified area codes?
    and this:
    Why dialer does not dial the local area code?    

  • "Skype is not running"
     - it is a bug in the Skype client version
     Update your dialer's software:
         Phone Dialer Pro  click --->  here
         Excel Dialer Pro   click --->  here
         Auto Dialer Pro    click --->  here
         Dial Engine Pro    click --->  here
                                                                                                                                                                 back to the top

*Voice over Internet (VoIP) dialer
There are several methods you can use this software as a VoIP dialer.

  • Using VoIP provider such as Vonage, Primus, Rogers Home Phone and others whose services come with the hardware adapter simulating a phone line (VoIP gateway):
    - just connect your PC modem to the adapter's phone jack (RJ 45), use a Y splitter to connect more devices

  • Using Skype:
    In the Options>Hardware tab select SKYPE from the pull-down list of available lines/devices (Figure 1).
    When using Auto Dialer Pro you can select 'Play
     selected wave file...' option (Figure 2) and when using Auto Dialer Pro or Excel Dialer Pro you can select 'Auto Record Outgoing calls' option (Figure 3).
    Figure 1 Figure 2
    Figure 3 Figure 4

  • Using other VoIP service providers:
    There are 3rd party software plugins which work as a software interface, employing Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
    You need to install that plugin, then i
    n the Options>Hardware tab select it from the pull-down list of available lines/devices and set its properties according to the specs which come with that plugin. (Figure 4)
    There are several SIP products available on Internet, such as:
    - TERASIP TSP  ---> A single-line version is free for personal use.
    - Comisdn SIP ---> Communication Server
    - SipTapi  --->
    TAPI driver for SIP. With this TAPI driver you have a click2dial feature with any TAPI enabled application (e.g. MS Outlook) and any SIP account (e.g. freeworlddialup or iptel.org). download SipTapi

    If you have any problems using these plugins you need to contact appropriate technical support., but please feel free to email me your comments and/or recommendations.
                                              back to the top

*Error messages
There are few error messages, which may indicate the bad modem or corrupted modem's driver:

  • "The selected line is in use or it is not connected."

  • "Unable to make a call."

  • "Unable to make a call: Resources unavailable."

  • "Connection is terminated by the other side."

When you are sure that the line is not in use, it is connected and the other side did not terminated the call you may try:

  1. Reinstalling the modem's driver.
    In Windows>Control Panel click on 'Phone and Modem Options', select Modems tab, highlight your modem in the list and click on 'Remove' button.
    Restart Windows.
    If the modem is of the popular type, Windows will find it and automatically install it, if not, you need to use modem's installation disk, which came with the modem.

  2. Updating the modem's driver.
    Check the make and model number of your device and search Internet for the new driver.
    The good practice is to start searching on manufacturer's web site under Support label.
    The other good place is http://www.driverguide.com/

  3. Change the modem

* Developers corner
 Dialer can be controlled by using the following 3 methods:
   * from the command line prompt:  see How to use Excel Dialer Pro from the command line?
   * Simple VB code sample how to invoke dialer and make a phone call.
   * Windows text messaging by using SendMessage() API
       For the list of available commands see: http://www.phonedialerpro.com/faq_pdp.htm#command_line
       When using SendMessage() API:

   LRESULT SendMessage(      
    HWND hWnd,
    UINT Msg,
    WPARAM wParam,
    LPARAM lParam

          retrieve and use the value stored in Windows registry:
          HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Jacek Kozlowski\<Application Title>\hkey
          use WM_COPYDATA
           structure containing information to be send
           .lpData   should contain command
           .dwData = 1 use only with commands: "", "min", "setup", "outlog" and "exit"
           .dwData = 2 use only with "script_out" and "script_in" command
           .dwData = 3 use with all other commands                                            back to the top



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Last revised: March 28, 2016