Home Phone Dialer Pro Auto Dialer Pro Dial Engine Pro Line Monitor Universal Internet Dialer
Registered user benefits:
  • unlimited technical support;
  • future upgrades free of charge;
  • removal of the nagging window;
  • guilt free conscious.
Registration Options:

To Register On-Line:

1.  Choose the option and simply click the link below to register online.  This method is quick and very safe using secure and confidential servers: SWREG or PayPal.

  • Canadians can register online by using Interac Email Money Transfers.
    Price in CAN$ = 1.1 * US$ and send email to

  • If you prefer you can pay by phone or FAX after filling in your details.

  • If you only have a free e-mail address (e.g. Hotmail) please use the phone or FAX options, otherwise give your "real" e-mail address to order online.



Price in
US $

Secured servers: please select one below:




Universal Internet Dialer

single user



Starting July 1, 2003   United Kingdom and European customers  may be asked to pay additional VAT tax when using  SWREG.

when using PayPal
you don't have to register for a PayPal account to send money. They accept Visa, Master Card, Amex, Discover and eCheck.

each additional user



full license 
(no site limit)



delivery on CD disk add:




Time limited offer:      

Universal Internet Dialer

single license:


Phone Dialer Pro

single license:


Starting July 1, 2003   United Kingdom and European customers  may be asked to pay additional VAT tax when using  SWREG.

when using PayPal
you don't have to register for a PayPal account to send money. They accept Visa, Master Card, Amex, Discover and eCheck.

Universal Internet Dialer

single license:


Dial Engine Pro

single license:



2.  E-mail the Order Form (located in the Universal Internet Dialer directory) to

You will usually receive a registration key within 24 hours (weekends and holidays may take longer).

To Register By Phone:

If you prefer you may phone the following numbers and give your complete order - English Language only. When requested for your card number do not tap it in but speak it. The product code is: 1467UID.

USA 1 866 500 6750 (toll free)

Australia 1 800 069620 Norway 800 10772
Germany 0800 1808206 Portugal 800 844031
Ireland 1800 509145 Spain 900 95 8969
Italy 801 781702 Sweden 0207 96278
Netherlands 0800 0232865 Switzerland 0800 835132    0800 835140
New Zealand 0508555200 UK 01297 553366

To Register By Fax:

To Register By Mail:

Submit the Order Form together with the appropriate payment to:

Jacek Kozlowski  P.Eng.
32 Larstone Ave.,
Toronto, ON M8Z 2N8 
3dflagsdotcom_canad2ws.gif (5830 bytes)


  • The Order Form can be found in the Universal Internet Dialer folder or in the Start Menu >Programs>Universal Internet Dialer menu.

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Last revised: January 31, 2020

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